It has been brought to my attention that my original 'this is new york' post was almost perfect. Gasp, almost?
After reading my post, Caroline told me how much she loved it. How she thought I mentioned everything she could think of to describe our New York and how I hadn't left anything out. A few days later she believed she had uncovered a New Yorky morsel that I had somehow skipped over.
How could this be?! I have no idea how something of such importance managed to escape my otherwise thorough dissection of day-to-day life. It is a fad so very New York that if you don't live here and haven't been to visit, you've likely never encountered. actually you might have heard it mentioned on Sex & the City. But either way, it's one of those quintessential New York experiences that makes life here just a lil bit sweeter. And definitely worth an addendum to my original post!
Good catch Caro! Because summers in the City just wouldn't be the same without bi-weekly trips to Tasti D-Lite.
. . . .familiar walks to our corner Tasti D-Lite in search of a lil treat that we convince ourselves isn't as bad for us as regular ice cream. . . .never mind that with those oreos on top, it's probably still just as bad. . . .always sampling at least 2 flavors before settling on whichever flavor-of-the-day includes peanut butter. . . .
Hiking the Hanakapiai Falls Trail in Kauai
6 days ago
bi weekly? try 5x weekly! good catch caro!