- each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, with the fresh yes of an adventurer -

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Texas Wedding

Julia & Seaver's Texas Wedding Weekend!

September 18th, 2010
Little Elm, Texas
Julia Yale + Seaver Wang
= Wale Wedding Extravaganza!

Friday night we hit up Sneaky Pete's on Lake Lewisville for a lil post-Rehearsal Dinner celebrating.

Caroline, the pretty Bride-to-Be and me

Us and the Groom after the Rehearsal Dinner

Then on Saturday afternoon we all arrived at Camp Yale ready for the festivities. The backyard was lovely. The ceremony was down by the lake, followed by drinks and appy's near the pool, then Tex-Mex dinner (naturally) and endless dancing in the tent. Julia was gorgeous. There were tears. There was laughing. There was a whole lotta wine.

It was really hot. Texas in September hot. But that didn't stop the party. Everyone was a gross, sweaty mess. So please don't judge us by the following pictures. Just know that the party was fantastic. Cheers to Roger and Anne for a hosting a phenomenal event at their home!

Me and Caroline: Before the dancing.

This is when the tears start.


Not sure if you noticed, but he's wearing a yellow bow tie. A bow tie! Love!

Mr. and Mrs. Wang!

W koozies. One of the many many parts of the evening that were so perfectly "Julia."

I love the first dance!

Dear Seaver, please put down the knife...actually, wait. Please cut me a piece of that delicious strawberry cake and theeeen you can put down the knife.

Me and the bride!

Congratulations friends!! Soooo happy for you!!

Me and Caroline: After (or maybe during?) the dancing.

Julia may have stolen Seaver's bow tie. Cutie cutie.


Congratulations to Julia and Seaver! What a wonderful Texas wedding weekend.
It was a collision of so many of our worlds. A lil college-y, a lil New York-y and a lot Texas-y. So very happy to share the weekend with so many friends from so many different places. It was a blast. And my friends are married. Married! Lots of love!


  1. Love! Love love love! Julia looked gorgeous, ooobviously... and Seaver cleaned up pretty nice too :)

  2. yes, loved this too lj!!! you do such fab recaps :)
