So I think you can tell by the frequency of Texas-themed blog posts that I am quite fond of my home state. So here's a super short version of my latest Texas-y adventure for your enjoyment.
Jamie's quotes in italics.Hello LGA, I feel like I was just here!
Diet Dr. Pepper on the flight? That's when you know you're headed south.Welcome to DFW. A quick nights stay at my parents house. Up early Saturday morning. ATX bound!
Road trips definitely require a soundtrack. Southbound 35! From Jamie's
"This is what I think Texas sounds like" playlist.
I told Jamie that Texas was exceptionally flat. And treeless.
Wow! I think that's the furthest I've ever been able to see. Except from a mountain. HAHA
Do you think I could get some cowboy boots? I really want some and I think it would sound best to say "Oh, you like them? I got them in Texas!"
It's a beautiful day in Austin, Texas. Perfect for tailgating. Oh how I've missed Saturday's with the Bigham's (and Ford's!)
Stubbs BBQ + Sunshine + Being surrounded by Burnt Orange + Laughing with good friends = Recipe for perfect Saturday afternoon

Welcome to the UT Co-op. It's like a burnt orange department store! Where can I find just the normal t-shirts?
Campus tour! I forgot how hot it was in Texas in September. 92 degrees, wheww!

This is the new Aquatic Complex at the gym. It's like a country club out here!
My only request is for really good Mexican food.
Check. Guero's! The perfect choice for Tex-Mex with outdoor seating while you wait, light-wrapped trees and live music. Oh and the queso...yeah I miss that.

Night out downtown on West 6th! Rooftop bars, more friends, cheap drinks. It's official - New York, you are a rip-off.
Woke up to a gorgeous Sunday morning. Lunched at Shady Grove. Oh this place is perfect! This is exactly how I pictured Austin, little bit hippie, outside, absolutely perfect.

Afternoon driving tour of the Hill Country. I almost forgot how gorgeous it is out there. I kinda fell in love all over again. Thanks to Kayla for being a fabulous tour guide and host!!
3 new pairs of shoes from the outlet mall later (a few more for Jamie, 2 pair for Les - us and shopping always = trouble) and it was back to Big D.
Northbound 35. Is there a song for that? No. Northbound isn't nearly as exciting as Southbound. It is if you're coming from Mexico.
And then, much too soon, our Austin adventure was over.
I dropped Jamie off at her hotel for her conference and spent all day Monday shopping and hanging out with Mom. Couldn't have asked for a better spontaneous weekend.
Thank you Jamie for convincing me that this trip was totally necessary. It so was!
I think it's safe to say that sometimes I just need wide open spaces and a lil Texas sunshine to refill my soul.