- each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, with the fresh yes of an adventurer -

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Surprise Surprise!

I went to Texas very early before Christmas this year. Partially because I like it there during the holidays. But mostly because my mom, sister, brother and sister-in-law had planned a very happy surprise for the weekend before Christmas. YAY!

It was Daddy's 60th birthday this Christmas Eve. We always do something fun for his birthday, but because of the holiday, we never really have a good party. Or go to dinner. Or do anything really birthday-ish. But this year was 60. And let's be honest, 60 is a big deal! A surprise party was definitely in order.

Mom did some serious behind-the-scenes scheming.

We ordered invitations. We made maps to my brother's new house. We invited everyone we could think of, including some of Daddy's oldest friends. We had amazing Tex-Mex catered from Matt's El Rancho (Dad's fave!), complete with Bob Armstrong queso dip and a margarita machine! We had cake. We had a fire pit for the deck.

Oh and! Mom made a really really fantastic slideshow that I wish I had uploaded to YouTube so you could see the hilarious photos of my hippie parents when they were younger. We were ohsoprepared to pull off a really big surprise!

Sunday after church and before a scheduled dinner with Shane & Berit, me, Les and Keith made up some story about going shopping, ending up across town closer to Shane & Berit's house than home, so could Mom and Dad just meet us at their house for dinner?

Dad was grumpy. Why did we need to take 2 cars? Why was Mom concerned about what he was wearing? Shane told him there was a party on his block and nowhere to park. This also annoyed him. Good.

Meanwhile, we had been at Shane's all afternoon getting set up. Starting the fire pit out on the deck, arranging chairs, hooking up the slideshow and making sure we had good tunes. We greeted family and friends that we hadn't seen in years. We were so excited. I'm sure Mom was nervous mess. And then it was time for the big surprise!

Les (addressing the room): Hi! Ok! Dad's almost here, so here's how it will go...Lauren?
LJ (apologizing for lack of voice because I'd been sick): Thanks so much for coming! Shane's watching for their car now. When he comes in, we'll get quiet. And when Dad opens the door we'll yell "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Because...if we say "Surprise!" he might not know it's for his birthday...



Les (opens door to Dad's back): Hey Dad...
Daddy (turning around, looking shocked): What the....????

And then my adorable lil niece Sloan runs to him and grabs his legs yelling, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDBUDDY!"

Oh. It was priceless. I couldn't have imagined it going any more perfectly. Such a good surprise!

Shane & Berit - The Hosts!

Getting set-up

"I'm going to Grandbuddy's birthday party tonight."
"Sloan, what are you going to say when Grandbuddy comes in?"

"Happy Birthday! Suuuuurprise!"

No, we didn't use 60 candles...

Lil Miss Sloan may or may not have thought the cake was for her...

Les & Lynley, lots of love for Casey. Nice Case.

Lindsey came to celebrate too! :)

Shane and Les showing everyone how 2-stepping is done.
Because it's just not a party without a lil 2-stepping.

"Grandbuddy, I will help you with these presents, ok?
This one is for you, ok?"

Me and Sloan doing a lil twirling.
"Let's do it again! Again La La!"

She likes all things pink, sparkles, princesses and twirling. And I shall spoil her. Lots.

Love surprises!

Mom successfully threw one heck of a party. Good job Mommy!

I think Sloan had just as much fun at the party as we all did. Such a sweet girl.

Happy Happy 60th Birthday Daddy! Love you!

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