- each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, with the fresh yes of an adventurer -

Thursday, July 8, 2010

One Hundred Degrees and Melty

I can't even pretend to ignore the record-setting, triple-digit temperatures we're experiencing in NYC right now.

I also can't even begin to tell you how miserable 100 degree heat + 80% humidity in this city is. Especially those of you who are in Texas and have had 100 degree heat for a full 2 months now. So I won't try to make you understand how it's worse here.

I can however, tell you how we're dealing.

Starting with a) flowy dresses and b) ice cream. But not just any ice cream...the quintessential New York summer ice cream. Affectionately known to us heat-exhausted New Yorkers as Mister Softee.

Yesterday the Mister Softee truck came to visit us at our office. Bringing gallons of frozen treats, topped with sprinkles, chocolate crunchies and / or dipped in melty chocolate or cherry sugary deliciousness. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that in my 4 years here, I've never stopped at one of the trucks that are fixed at every other street corner during the summertime. My excuse? I like Pinkberry?

"That's unacceptable, LJ." Bethany says. "It will change your life."

2 reasons why me and Bethany heart our jobs right now -- Chocolate Molten Crunchy Dip Cone and Cherry Molten Sprinkles Dip Cone. Enough said.

Mister Softee may not take away the misery of this nasty heatwave, but you know what? It sure does help! :)

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJuly 09, 2010

    Hi Lauren - Thanks to the wonders of Google alerts I received notice of your blog post. Thanks for making my day and congratulations on seeing the light! We hope to see you more often.
    Jim Conway
    Vice President
    Mister Softee Inc.
