Friday Night Lights. In case you haven't heard, ABC Family is now airing all seasons of FNL. Daily. From the very beginning.
And in case you haven't ever watched Friday Night Lights for some ridiculous reason that I definitely wouldn't understand, I highly recommend you start watching now.
I love this show. So so much. Something about the combination of Texas high school football, teen angst, southern accents, Tim Riggins and Coach Taylor has me completely hooked. And now that I have an episode to watch on my DVR every single day? Weeeell, now I just can't stop watching.
And in my FNL obsession, I've stumbled upon this lil interview of Kyle Chandler (aka Coach Taylor) by Diablo Cody. Quite entertaining. You watch and then try to tell me you don't love him.
You're welcome.
Hiking the Hanakapiai Falls Trail in Kauai
5 weeks ago
I heart Matt Saracen!!