- each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, with the fresh yes of an adventurer -

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

city girl

first, erin (the new mrs. denniston!) is back from her and chris' super exotic honeymoon (read: trip of a lifetime)! yaaaay!

second, she sent me these words of wisdom after reading about my conversation with her friend andy at her wedding.

quite fitting, no?

funny...i feel like i've always said this about texas. "you can take the girl out of texas, but you can't take the texas out of the girl!"

but it appears that i will also quite passionately defend new york city as one of the greatest places in the world. probably for forever.

which i suppose means i shall now always be a city girl.
ok. so maybe a city girl...with a lil texas sass!

thanks e! :)

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