- each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, with the fresh yes of an adventurer -

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Leslee + Keith {the rehearsal}

So let's back up a lil bit, shall we?

Just a few weeks. 4 to be exact. To the most lovely wedding weekend ever. After 11 months of planning, shopping, decision-making, semi-stressiness and lots of excitement, it was finally finally here.

First up - Friday Prep Day! 
Starting with 5:30am boot camp. I know what you're thinking, we're crazy hard core.

Ok, fine. This is when the real party started. Mani / Pedi's with the bridal party. Where our niece Sloan decided to steal the show with her cutieness. Naturally.

And that night - The Rehearsal!
After making sure we had all the wedding ceremony motions down(ish), it was Rehearsal Dinner time.

There was some wine, some silliness, some gift-giving, some tears, a sweet sweet slideshow with photos dating back to kindergarten and lots and lots of celebrating. Also, Sloan fell in love with Les' bridesmaids. And they with her. Our adorable 3-year-old niece, she almost stole the show...almost.

Goodbye fiancé and friends! See y'all tomorrow! For the wedding day!

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