- each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, with the fresh yes of an adventurer -

Friday, December 30, 2011

So here's a funny story...

Last Friday before Christmas, I had a morning pedicure date with Mom.

It was a perfectly normal Friday morning - except I didn't have to work. I had lunch plans with former NYC roomie, Julia. Then an afternoon date with another favorite New Yorker, Bethany.

So there I was. Festive gold polish selected for my toes. Chit chatting with Mom. Flipping through People magazine. Simultaneously tweeting, checking emails, texting. You know, all normal, daily multi-tasking things.

And then something happened. Something you never think will happen. Because you are not really that accident prone...

...I mean, maybe you fall sometimes while just walking normally. And maybe you get stuck in your puffy coat with a broken zipper every once in awhile. And maaaaybe you lost / had your iPhone stolen from a bar about a year ago...

But those things aside, not reeeaaally that accident prone. Right?!

And that's when it all happened. In slow motion.
People magazine slipped out of my hand. Floating down into the pedicure water.
Instinctively, I reached down to save the $4 magazine.
Simultaneously, beloved and slightly more pricey, iPhone 4 slips from my lap, falling down down down, directly to the bottom of the pedicure tub.
I might have screamed a curse word.
My pedicurist definitely squealed.
My sweet mother was shocked to silence.
The owner rushed over in lightening speed to grab the phone before anyone else could think about reacting. He grabbed a towel, removed the cover, and offered up a fan to help dry it out.
ohmygosh. no.
The rest of the pedicure is a blur -- Wait, I'll have to buy a new phone. I can't NOT have one. Great. It's Christmas, how ever will I find a new iPhone in a store, they're probably all gone! Oh I am definitely not up for an upgrade yet. My iPhone 4 is only 1 year old! I'll have to pay full price! Ahhhhh! How will I surviiiive?! -- Not dramatic at all.

I somewhat remember thanking the nice staff, paying and shuffling out with pretty gold toes. After googling "what to do when you drop your iPhone 4 in water", watching videos of people dismantling their phones, deciding if I took my phone apart there was no way I'd ever ever get it back together again, I ended up jotting down Julia and B's phone numbers just in case. Turning my drowned phone off. And stuffing it into a bag of rice for as long as I could stand it. Sigh.

After 24 hours of being disconnected, I decided it was time to turn my phone back on and assess the damage.
It's on!
Ok. That's a good sign.
Now. Emails? Check. Tweet tweets? Check. Google maps? Yep. Safari? Good. Words with Friends?? Oh whew, maybe I'll be ok?
Mom calls. It rings! I answer.
OhmygoshIcan'thearanythingthroughthespeaker. No really. The speakers don't work? Seriously?
So. I have a phone. It survived. I can text. I can email. I can do everything I need to do. Except...and I mean, this is a small but...I can't really so much talk on my phone. Awesome.

Hope no one was really hoping to hear my voice any time soon. I'm outta business.

Awesome. x2.

In recent developments, the speaker is magically working again. For the time being at least. I am currently able to have a conversation on my phone (brilliant!).

I am not however, able to play music, or HeyTell messages (sorry friends!) or use headphones. Perhaps in a few days, those speakers will come back to life too! No? Wishful thinking? That I could submerge my iPhone in pedicure water and come out with zero casualties?

Fine. But I'm not happy about it.

1 comment:

  1. Remember when I dropped my brand new iPhone in a toilet in The Bahamas? It took three months for the speakers to start working again, but ultimately they did. Give it time! I bet everything will be back to normal =)
