- each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, with the fresh yes of an adventurer -

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tuesday Night Dilemma

Sometimes I have to make hard decisions.

If you worked late and only had time to watch 1 of 3 really fantastic Tuesday night TV shows when you got home, which one would it be?
a) American Idol
b) Glee
Tough, right? I mean, really tough choice.

AI is always entertaining and I don't have to fully pay attention, but I'm not loving this season, so maybe I'll just catch up tomorrow? But I could watch while I'm putting away laundry...

And Glee! Glee is back after what has felt like the LONGEST break in the history of winter TV breaks! I've been looking forward to it's return for weeks! And everyone will be talking about it tomorrow...

But then there's LOST. Except, I know I'll have to focus to watch it or it won't be worth watching. And it's late and I'm already sleepy and I really am getting up early to hit the gym in the morning...REALLY. I. AM. But everyone will be talking about it tomorrow too and I don't want to feel left out.

Oh just pick one!

Fine! Decision made!
I think I have to go with Glee! Just have to.
What can I say? I have an affinity for show tunes and Sue Sylvester one-liners. It's guaranteed to make me laugh out loud and I'll probably be quoting it tomorrow. Done and done.

Of course it would happen that the one time I don't watch LOST on a Tuesday night, I get an email from co-workers who would like to discuss whatever happened in the episode that I put on the back-burner to Glee. Of course that happened.

I felt like such a fake fake LOST fan with my "well, guys...the thing is....I ummm...I decided to watch Glee last night instead..." email response. And let me just be clear - I am not a fake LOST fan. I am a very dedicated LOST fan that has persuaded many others to jump on the LOST train. Co-worker Eric was in such disbelief that his response to my inadequacies was simply "ew."

Sigh. You can't always win. Sometimes sleep is necessary. And please let the record show -- I did not get up and go to the gym. So really, my efforts for more sleep with the intention of working out were all for nothing. Grrrrr.

In my defense though, I leave you with this lil gem of a Glee clip. You know, in case you chose LOST over Glee or something crazy like that and you missed it.

You are welcome.


  1. AAaannnnd how much did you love Gives You Hell?!?! So so so great.

  2. I have multiple thoughts on this, but I will leave you with just this one:

    "I get an email from CO-WORKERS [emphasis miiiiine] who would like to discuss whatever happened in the episode..."

    Said email was NOT from mere "CO-WORKERS," LJ... It was from your BFFAEAEAEEEEEEEEEEEEE... The same BFFAEAEAEEEE, might I add, who finished 5.5 Seasons of LOST-y in fiiiive weeks... so she would be able to join in aforementioned discussions with aforementioned "CO-WORKERS"...

    Ok. Rant over.

    Oh, one more thing: Jamie - I L.O.V.E.D. Gives You Hell(o). Aaaamazing.

    Ok. That is all.

  3. Um I have to completely side with you, LJ. Whilst I love LOST and it saved me from a very depressing time in my life. 6 years has taught me if you can only choose one, never pick LOST.

    because sometimes it's scary and you won't be able to sleep.

    And I did the same thing this week.
