- each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, with the fresh yes of an adventurer -

Monday, April 12, 2010

She's TWO!

Things I hate about living so far from home -- missing birthdays.

Especially her birthday.

Today Sloan, my lil oh-so-adorable-you-can't-possibly-look-at-her-without-smiling niece, turns 2.

Y'all, she's 2! Already! How?! I mean, she just turned 1!
Or it seems like it anyway. Time. Flies.

This past weekend Sloan had her 2nd birthday party with her lil friends at a lil gym in Dallas. Everyone was there. And I was babysitting. On the Upper West Side. Very far away from Texas. Sigh.

Thankfully I got the play-by-play from Leslee. So it was kinda like I was there-ish. Thanks Les!

I wish I had a recording of this phone conversation. Because the preciousness of her 2-year-old voice just cannot be translated into writing.

Les: Who are we calling?
Sloan: La La
Les: Yep. Say hi!
LJ: Hi Sloan! Happy Happy Birthday!
Sloan: Hi La La!
Les: Tell her thank you for your shoes...
Sloan: Thank you for my shoes!

And then she was off. She's very busy. And it was her birthday after all. Soverybusy and important. And I adore her.

Les tells me she opened up the cutie purple Haviana's flippy flops I bought her, put them on immediately, showed them off, then said "These are my shoes." and ran to put them away in her closet.


Tell me she's not the cutest lil girl ever! And those flippies? I kind of love them. :)

OhhowIwish I were there to celebrate her 2nd birthday! To see her play with her lil friends and eat her birthday cake and open all her presents.

But I couldn't and wasn't. So I'm content with a phone call and pictures. For now at least. I'm not sure I'm prepared to let her turn 3 without me.

Happy Happy 2nd Birthday to the prettiest 2-year-old around!


  1. precious PRECIOUS little girl...

  2. So cute! She looks so grown up!! You definitely dont want to miss any more birthday parties!
