As warned, more gushing over my cutie niece. Yes, her 1st birthday party was the kind of occasion that requires it's very own blog post. It was a day-o-fun filled with delicious cake, super fantastic pressie's and lots of giggling. She's such a happy girl and it was such fun to spend the day at Shane & Berit's house for the celebration!
I am so very glad that I was able to be in Tejas for the fiesta, I would have been incredibly sad if I'd missed it. I could sit and watch this little girl play for hours and hours, endless entertainment really. At 1-year-old, she has a sparkling personality that keeps everyone smiling. She loves her baby dolls, rocking chairs and being outside.
I just can't get enough of her! Absolutely. Presh. Here are a few of my fave party pics. Love love!
Singing Happy Birthday
A lil uncertain about this cake stuff...
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