last week b and i went to quickly grab lunch. on a perfectly lovely sunshiney day. at 2:30 in the afternoon. because clearly 2:30 in the afternoon is an appropriate time to eat lunch. but i digress, that's a different story.
today's story is about what happened as we were walking back to the office. with giant fountain diet coke's from subway in hand. mid-conversation at the corner of watts and thompson, miss bethany suddenly flung herself towards the wall of the building and proclaimed:
"i don't waaaaannnnaaaa!"
i starred at her for a good 5 seconds before i burst out laughing and grabbed my phone to capture this picture so you could see this display of ridiculousness for yourself.
i guess this is what happens after so many 12+ hour work days and 60+ hour work weeks? i mean....we just don't wanna.
then after another weekend sleepover with miss jamie at 9a, i picked up my iphone to find this photo set as the new wallpaper:
oh bethany. she really likes my iphone. more specifically, she really likes the doodle buddy app on my iphone. and the lil froggy stamp it has. so the 'we' she is referring to here = herself and her TCU horned frogs.
i suppose none of us wish to go back to the office.
but...well...can you blame us?
sometimes we don't wanna!
bhahaha we (my momma and me) both giggled while reading this. from texas. it misses you.
ReplyDeleteha ha ha ha ha ha.