- each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, with the fresh yes of an adventurer -

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Deleted Scenes {Part 9}

Thursday, July 27th
Dropping my car off at the Honda dealership on my way to the airport
LJ: Just an oil change please! (handing over my keys and secretly a lil proud of myself for remembering to do this without Dad asking me about it) 
Steve at Honda: Oh, looks like your inspection expired. Last month. 
LJ: (after a looooong pause, staring at the sticker on my window) Welp. Seems it did. 
Steve: So you haven't been pulled over for that yet, huh? 
LJ: (still staring at the window, wondering how on earth I didn't notice this) I mean, Steve. You don't even want to hear about the car things I was dealing with in June. Hail storm 2012 broke me.... 
Steve: So you want us to take care of that for you today?  
LJ: (STILL staring at the 06 * 12 sticker on the window) Ummm...yes please. Can you? 
Steve: No problem, Ms. Johnson. We'll get it all fixed up for you by the end of the day.
Ohgoodgrief. Really? Reaaaallly?
So much for becoming a functioning adult.
I'm no good at this game.

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