A real life example for your consideration -
Objective: Live fabulous life in New York
Strategy: Position oneself as completely indispensable
- Sassy Southern girl taking on the city life
- They say if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere...
Mass reach vehicle: Create Blog / Online Personality - charming, hilarious, impossible to forget
Niche media: Utilize personal communication channels and individual follow-up
Big Idea: Inclusion in the Brilliant / Highbrow quadrant of NY Mag Approval Matirx with opposite P4CB (read: full page ad)
Budget: TBD - Dependant on personal income and networking abilities to secure entertainment at low out-of-pocket cost
Phase I: Create viral buzz - blogging, social networking
Phase II: Launch brand
Phase III: Maintain awareness - remain top-of-mind and unforgettable
Demographic: Adults 18 - 54
Psychographics: Appreciation for TV, films, Broadway musicals, concerts, quality entertainment - Attitude of adventure and ambition - Enjoy life's simple pleasures - Passionate
Secure fabulous job, learn more, assert ambition, build credibility, cultivate relationships
All this to say what exactly? Well, a few things...
a) Jamie, Bethany and I are all huge media nerds and
b) Jamie has kicked-off her plan quite nicely and in order to stay on strategy, she'll be leaving her first fabulous New York job for her second.
Today is Jamie's last day at our office. It is bittersweet. Of course I'm thrilled for her to begin a new adventure at a new agency, but sadly, I am also devastated to see her go.
Jamie has been my partner in crime for almost 3 years (give or take the brief hiatus when I left the agency) and we were joined by Bethany 1.5 years ago. Jamie and I are now realizing how lucky we were to have this experience with our first New York job. Our account was fantastic and creative, our bosses were smart and supportive, and our team...I mean, I worked with 2 of my best friends everyday! We went to countless lunches, concerts, movies, happy hours. Gossiped about every TV show imaginable. Shared stressful days, nights, weeks, a few mistakes and a lot of success. It doesn't get much more fabulous than that.
I know that not every fabulous job will be like this one. But nothing will ever compare to hanging out with good friends, doing a job we enjoyed and loving every crazy minute of it. They say change is good, necessary even. So I'm feeling overly nostalgic? I'm ok with it.
Best of luck to JMart and to Bethany. I will miss our days together terribly. Please remember that all good media professionals find a way to conquer and divide. This tactic will undoubtedly keep you on-strategy. Cheers!