- each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, with the fresh yes of an adventurer -

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

celebrating with these two

gosh i love it when a lil bit of my new york comes to texas. 

you remember these two?
andrea - longhorn, new yorker, sarcastic, awesome.
brian - friend at very first job in nyc, new yorker, sarcastic, also awesome.

i like to take just a liiiil bit of credit for the two of them.
ok, maybe it was shared responsibilities between me and LC, another former co-worker / fixed up as andrea's first nyc roomie. you're welcome for both A.

i think it went something like this - 

A: you can't just set me up with a guy at work because i am jewish and he is jewish!

LJ: why not? you are jewish and cute and sarcastic and fun and you are my friend. brian is also cute and sarcastic and fun and he is my work friend - who just happens to be jewish too! it's perfect.

A: eye roll

LJ: what? it doesn't work like that?

and that was the spring of 2007. the rest is history.
guess that first nyc job was good for more than my career, hah.

anyway, these two are getting married! hooray!
they were engaged last december (there was a giggly phone call that i won't recount for you because A and B are so NOT giggly - good thing i am), but this was their first trip back to dallas and celebrating was ohsonecessary.

andrea grew up in richardson where they had the engagement party. mama tina's house was full of family, friends, home baked treats of course, and decorated with these napkins that made me giggle. (take note B!)

so so fun to see my new york friends in texas. and to see andrea's new sparkles.
 they should all visit more often! or better yet - hey B, there's a job for you at my office! i'll even split the finder fee with you. come to teeeeexaaaaas.

(just my obligatory "move here please" plea)   :)

love y'all!


  1. This is absolutely precious and I will double that finder's fee if you can get Brian to make the move.

  2. And I will triple that finders fee....
    mama T. should definitely be nearer to the grandchildren when they arrive!!!
